The Damage of Unintended Messages?

We are always moving the goal post. Is working fifty hours enough to be a “hard worker“? Do you need to clock eighty hours a week?  Do you need to have a “work life balance “ while delivering solid remote work infused with creativity? Are we all starting our own business this week? Do we love our hybrid schedule, because we can work with more synergy than last year? What is the ‘buzz trend’ for us to succeed this year.? Why are we making it a ‘one size fits all’, lock in and make it work no matter what approach to all work?

Are we really in a place that sets a tone for us to be inept at being creative? We need to be counter intuitive by taking the time to learn our team members best process with regards to quality outcome and to proactively shape a successful to benefit all. It is essential to reclaim the last four years by reclaiming what we have learned and to strategically apply it.  

I have found that many leaders are still acting as “bosses” where they are manifesting active distrust and emanating anxiety associated with feeling the burden of being out of control while ineffectively controlling others. Thus, the illogical becomes ‘true’, If they cannot watch the work being done, it must not be happening. That insecurity can become egregious, as they begin to ‘take bows’ for others work, therefore preventing others to be seen to win, receiving respect and the rewards for their hard work, worse yet, perhaps the lingering wrongdoing is compromising their advancement. Toxic leadership has to be proactively addressed by reversing the approaches of ‘Just get it done’, neglecting the sustainable process of growing and leading people to optimized team dynamics and consistently delivering next level excellence. 

Where Does your Mastery lie?


One of my main sources of significance I experience as a coach, is experiencing leaders who are thriving, flying high and consistently creating a winning environment. Winning leaders, are allowing their team members to create systems of work that work efficiently. Winning leaders, allow for creative space to improve processes for identifying both the ‘how’ and the ‘why’. Dynamic leaders are open to questioning all areas of the business, looking at all and synergy around processes to solve, to improve and allow experiments to test ideas. If the outcome works great keep going, if not try something else. They are fearless, and the teams they build, break down walls daily. They don’t see problems, they see substantive solutions. There so much joy and excitement in these workspaces, no matter how they come together, they enthusiastically work as a team. Intentional communication is a key part of how this works so well, miles melt away for remote teams and for those who sitting next to each other they can engage more and email less. You see it is not the space but the curated culture and optimized levels of conversation that make for a great team. 


So, when you are thinking you need to get them back in the office, ask yourself why? Maybe you need to attack your culture and communication process first and then access how much together time you need. Authentic leadership is not derived from fear and control, it is developed through, collaboration, communication and jointly celebrating the wins.

 Leverage your ARC leadership profile, reach out to us at ARC if you need assistance creating and executing a plan for yourself and your team. 




Turning the Page, a New Chapter