Energizing Goals

This time of the year is most associated with 'turning the page on a new chapter'. Starting a new year is typically energized by our plans to support our goals.

It's fresh, new, exciting. Most people can naturally feel energized at the beginning of a new year.  As leaders, our responsibilities are to create an environment in which we can make our plans come alive on an ongoing basis. The more immersed that we all are in that journey, the more likely that we will succeed… Simple.

What is not so simple is keeping our staff engaged in a meaningful way. One of the most effective ways to ensure that our people stay energized about the execution of our plans is to be intentional about how we reward them for what they do well. It is my belief that we can become so focused on getting the job done, meeting the next deadline and overcoming the next set of challenges that we can often forget the importance of taking the time to 'put some fuel in your Direct Reports tanks'. Getting the job done well is at the core of what we all do and should never be anything other than that. However, just like putting gas in your car frequently on a long road trip, the opportunity to energize your Direct Reports  for the next part of the journey should not be missed either. 


Meaningful acknowledgement and/or recognition are at the core of this. The operative word is 'meaningful'. You currently have some Direct Reports who love to be acknowledged one-on-one, in a quiet, sincere way. It could be a quiet word from you or a personal note acknowledging a behavior that you want to see more of going forward. You also have Direct Reports who are far more interested in being recognized in front of a group. Typically, people will favor one more than the other.Your job is to know what 'meaningful' is for each of them. 


Your title contributes towards 'meaningful'. The quality of your working relationship is also an important factor (nobody is energized by acknowledgements or recognitions that come from people that we don't respect). 

 Understanding how each of them is wired to be energized is the final piece. You just need to take a 'pit stop' at regular times during the upcoming year to put 'fuel in their tanks'. It only takes a few moments, but the benefits to you are awesome. A self-motivated staff (with a little nudge from you here and there) is a lot easier to work with over the course of the year.

Happy New Year and, as we say in Ireland for good luck on the journey ahead, 'may the road rise up to meet you'


Razor Boomerang


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