How to recalibrate?

What does the New Year mean to you? As a coach, I love this time of renewal, setting new goals and targets, and recalibrating our rhythms. The truth is this is an artificial starting line, but that is all we sometimes need to take a breather and reset. I do goal-setting differently with all my clients. While I am naturally wired for big, bold, long-range goals, I love a strategy with vision and passion. I approach my clients with a view toward what they want to grow. I focus on their planning muscles. Plus, where their profile is designed to be brilliant. We all have them, how we look at setting up a goal and then the journey to complete it. 

Many Leaders believe there is one perfect profile for leadership, that one has to be a long-range global thinker to be a CEO or thought leader. Yet I have coached some extraordinary leaders who did not fit the mold—leading their companies to success year after year—simultaneously delivering the vision, passion, and road map to their team repeatedly. They approach planning using their natural focus and leverage their team input to broaden where needed. They added the edge of being able to see closer in and make needed adjustments with that information to make sure the vision and the plan aligned for success. They often needed fewer midcourse corrections as they had a better in-the-moment feel for the business.

Where Does your Mastery lie?


My point is that there is not one perfect profile for leadership. Leaders use their tools with mastery and know how to tap into the mastery of others to build teams that can work in any marketplace. Flexibility is key, not a "one-size" fit all cookie cutter profile that some "brand name" multiply choice question profiles on an internet site told you were the best traits for leadership. Your natural leadership style is wired into you, and you were not built broken. You are given quality abilities. We all have areas of brilliance. It is up to you to learn to trust, leverage and master them for success. Only you can become the best version of yourself. 


Don't just read a book, and try to be ‘that leader’ (you can learn skills but not core abilities). Discover your authentic leadership style, and then take the time to master it. Becoming the best version of yourself is the adventure of a lifetime, yet what else is a lifetime for? As I start 2023, I wish all my client's the best journey in this New Year. 

 Leverage your ARC leadership profile, reach out to us at ARC if you need assistance creating and executing a plan for yourself and your team. 


Turning the Page, a New Chapter


A Simple Mistake that is Most Often Made