A Simple Mistake that is Most Often Made

How to prepare your Team for Optimization

Could you imagine your Boss asking you to burn out your Direct Reports? Stupid, right?  and yet, there is an excellent chance that you are doing this right now with some or all of your Direct Reports. Nonsense, I hear you say. More than likely, I'm afraid. Let me explain; 

An important part of ARC Coaching is to emphasize the importance of starting fresh,  being refreshed and managing the precious commodity known as 'your energy'. We also help leaders create an environment in which they can be even more intentional in supporting their Direct Reports manage their energy through the marathon that is any given project, month, quarter or year. The simple mistake that is made is to think that we all 'refresh and recharge' the same way. Get a good night's sleep, right? Take one day off each week, yes? Two good ideas, but they are only a part of the solution.

The natural rhythm of getting work done is to ask our Direct Reports to be 'all-in' when committing to the work, to stretch, to give 110%, to go the extra mile, to push a bit harder than we think we can, etc.....Having a great work ethic is essential if you want to succeed. The problem that we, as leaders, can create for our Direct Reports is not necessarily caused by getting the work done. The real problems often occur when we finish a project. Think about it. What is the first thing that many of us think of when we finish a project?............What's next?


I must confess that, through the years, my idea of celebrating the successful conclusion of a project was to announce the next project. The natural rhythm of work is perpetual. For a great many of us, our natural rhythm is also perpetual. I would be excited to announce what's next. As you know, we are all 'wired' differently. Just look at your family and see how different they all are. Trust me, they recharge and refresh differently too. 


A great percentage of our population likes to 'cross the finish line' when it comes to getting things done. They are energized by some level of acknowledgement and/or recognition for crossing that finish line. They are NOT motivated by some clown immediately announcing another marathon when they've just crossed the finish line. They don't need a party, or a ticker tape parade, but some level of  closure would really help.

I often made this mistake as a leader and the worst part of it was that I had absolutely no idea that I was burning my Direct Reports out. Like most leaders who do this, I denied it simply because I never intended to do that.   


This is a classic example of a 'Blindspot' in action. By the way, we all have many of these 'blindspots'. Every dominant strength that you have, has a 'disability edge'. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you don't know yours and the consequences to efficiencies and effectiveness in your workplace, you are doing everyone a huge disservice, even if it is unintended.

 Leverage your ARC leadership profile, reach out to us at ARC if you need assistance creating and executing a plan for yourself and your team. 


