The New Normal

So it occurred to me, as I was frantically stopping the washer, to extract my iPhone from a soggy hoodie pocket, that I’m ‘off’. There is no doubt that billions of people are experiencing being in the ‘spin cycle’ right now, being ‘off’ is the new evolving normal. Another universal experience is the individual unique prism we are encountering this seismic assault to our sensibilities. I have been unable to absorb the difficulties, friends, family and clients are tackling, let’s just say scrambling to get octogenarian parents groceries from 5,212 miles away was fraught with guilt, helplessness and victories. We all have our stories, we all have a myriad of logistical and emotional barbs assaulting our senses.

Now that we are beginning to survey the scorched earth, that was our ‘known lives’, what do we do, what are the essentials we need to be aware of? So when we are knocked down, the adage of ‘standing back up’, seems horrendously patronizing, however, anyone  seasoned in kinesiology will say, to stand one needs to use one’s ‘CORE’. Anyone who has ever experienced working with a trainer at a gym has heard their number one principle, “Focus on your core”. When it comes to managing your abilities, the same is also true, your core is: 

How are you moving through time

What are you doing during your day 

 What is the pace of  your day

Where is your focus  during your day

What is not so simple is keeping our staff engaged in a meaningful way. One of the most effective ways to ensure that our people stay energized about the execution of our plans is to be intentional about how we reward them for what they do well. It is my belief that we can become so focused on getting the job done, meeting the next deadline and overcoming the next set of challenges that we can often forget the importance of taking the time to 'put some fuel in your Direct Reports tanks'. Getting the job done well is at the core of what we all do and should never be anything other than that. However, just like putting gas in your car frequently on a long road trip, the opportunity to energize your Direct Reports  for the next part of the journey should not be missed either. 

If you would like some additional coaching on your new normal, do not hesitate to reach out. 

Do not forget, we are better than our circumstances! 


See What Is Possible


The Truth Is So Simple