Leadership tools for all.
We Help Individual Leaders
Manage and grow their Brand by intentionally cultivating their natural Leadership style and understand how to intentionally work better with others …Boss, Peers, Direct Reports.
ARC Team DNA Program
The Arc Team DNA Program identifies the unique characteristics of your team in terms of complementary strengths as well as inadvertent roadblocks that will negatively impact your team’s effectiveness and ability to grow.
Optimize your company culture with leadership tools that last a lifetime.
30 min session
This leadership assessment session is designed to help us understand how a Leader’s core motivators, natural styles and perspectives create the unique ‘strengths mix’ that supports their natural Leadership style.
A 30 minute Intake session
We believe that a Self-Assessment process is fatally flawed for two reasons:
We cannot be objective about our own perspective
We all have ‘Blindspots’
The Intake Process
Our Intake session is conducted by phone so that we can understand what you communicate as well as how you communicate and the context in which you communicate.
There is absolutely no preparation required. There are no right or wrong answers. No personal questions. Just be yourself!
It will be 100% accurate.
Personalized coaching sessions
This interactive session addresses the depth and scope of a Leader’s unique ‘strengths mix’. It is designed to create a significant level of awareness with regard to a Leaders strengths being used to support growth as well as inadvertently support atrophy.
Your One-On-One Coaching Sessions:
Establish your coaching goals
Leverage you natural Leadership style
Practical Applications to manage your Leadership style
Help you build your brand
With Leadership Above
With Peers and Business Partners
With Direct Reports
Establish a balance between execution and Strategy
Providing a Focused Approach to achieve your next level career goals
These sessions can be recorded so that you may benefit from listening to it anytime in the future.
Your next steps
60 min session
A customized approach that is designed to help a Leader ‘own’ the journey of growth that is necessary to address the specific needs identified by both the Leader (and their Boss when appropriate). It will suggest very specific next steps in order to achieve the desired outcomes.
A 60 Minute Interactive Feedback Session In Which We Will Identify Your:
Strongest Core Motivators
Primary Communication style
Natural Learning style
Team style (How you work with others)
Focus (How you naturally see and manage Time)
Performance (How you get things done)
Rhythm (Balancing Pace/Details)
Relational Burnout (People/Energy)
Productivity Burnout (How you can maintain Effectiveness)
We will address how these ‘gifts’ combine to create the unique Leader that you are. It will be 100% accurate.
This session is recorded so that you may benefit from listening to it ANYTIME in the future.