How to plan to sustain your vitality

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan”.

Eleanor Roosevelt

As pedestrian as the word ‘plan’ is at the start of the year, however, I mean it in a slightly different way today. How are you planning to establish “sustainable vitality”?  


By far the biggest blindspot my clients can experience is being T-Boned by over-whelm, exasperation and burnout, ironically it is a natural side effect of not counting the cost of forcing a deliverable. Leaders can have a high pain threshold, that instead of being used for emergencies are being over used on a daily basis. 


We are energy, the chemical elements in our bodies are comprised of dispersed supernovas! Energy could not be more fundamental to our efficacy and well-being, yet we enthusiastically ignore the fact that we need to reenergize ourselves in a systematic and intentional fashion.

Plan reward systems for milestone deliverables for yourself, your family and your team… in that order. You are a better friend, family member and leader when you allow yourself to have your chest hit the ribbon on the finish line AND systemize the lap of honor around the track, to catch up on undigested thoughts, renewing your energy so you can respond to your circumstances versus reacting to your overwhelm. 


Wouldn’t it be refreshing to plan to “play your way to success and significance’?  What is the ‘Highest and Best use of your Time today?’

Treating yourself as a serious asset, by creating memories with loved ones, space to recalibrate your thoughts, perspective to work smart not hard, you are your primary asset, how are you sustaining the vitality of you the asset?

Before you dive in, with abandon, inventory the wins in all areas of your life, I don’t think the “Good To Great”, ethos we teach at ARC would be possible or sustainable with out it.  

 Leverage your ARC leadership profile, reach out to us at ARC if you need assistance creating and executing a plan for yourself and your team. 


A Simple Mistake that is Most Often Made


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